Dawn Baca

Creating Ripples on Every Page

Overcoming Childhood Scars

Posted on Mar 27, 2014 by Dawn Baca   Comments Off on Overcoming Childhood Scars | Posted in Books

Reading Sabrina’s story in Sex, Lies and Beauty Aides by Deb Julienne brought back many memories. A particular one was her childhood scars. I too had a scar to overcome.

As a child about three years old I was in a car accident. Falling out of the back of an old Army Jeep and rolling down a hill was the least of my problems apparently. Or the just the beginning of them anyway. During my fall I had removed most of the top layers of skin on the left side of my face. The doctors said that my face would never be the same, that it would never heal 100%. They even talked about the need for plastic surgery as I grew up.

Elementary school was a time in my life that I would never go back to for any amount of money in the world. While babies are beautiful little angels, elementary school children are closer to the devils spawn. They can be cruel to each other in ways that have no boundaries. Most of us have scars from elementary school that we’ve carried with us our whole lives.

I felt like an outsider my whole childhood, between the scars on my face and the scars on my soul I stumbled my way through it. Things did not improve for me until High School. Thankfully my face healed, the skin stretched and the scars faded. They are not all gone, they can still be seen when I do not wear makeup but for the most part I no longer look like the little “freak” from elementary school.

Like Sabrina some of that pain doesn’t go away even as an adult. I only wish that we could have half as much fun getting even with those that tried to pull a fast one on us as she does.

A great thought provoking read. I enjoyed Sex, Lies and Beauty Aides. I’m looking forward to more from author Deb Julienne.

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