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Dawn’s latest Book

Title: Her Heart’s Desire
Series: Letting Love In (Book 2)
Author: Dawn Baca
Publication date: December 14, 2018
Publisher: DAWN BACA LLC
ISBN: print 9781732961517
Retail price: $2.99/$8.99
Available In: ebook & print
Genre: Contemporary Romance, New Adult Romance


A loving woman’s desire . . .

Sophie Compte leads a charmed life. Blessed with brains, beauty, and wealth she’s spent her whole life preparing to someday take the reins of the family business, a horse breeding farm world-renowned for its championship lineage. Also lucky in love, Sophie expects to marry the only boy ever to win her heart—if she can convince the man he’s become to bury his foolish pride.

A strong man’s honor . . . 

Claude Durand loves Sophie more than his next breath, but loving her and being worthy of her are two different things. He appreciates the long-term employment assured to him and his widowed mother by Sophie’s family, but he is determined to earn it for himself. For Claude, this means becoming an accomplished veterinarian so his value to the Compte business will never be questioned. He’ll marry Sophie because she owns his heart, but not until he’s proven to the world he’s the man she deserves.

Threatened by scandal and pride . . . 

Turmoil erupts when the elite Compte horses are compromised by drugs. As the spiraling scandal threatens Sophie’s legacy, Claude’s hard-earned reputation, and puts their families at risk, the lovers race to find the culprit before all they’ve worked for is lost. Sophie believes their love is strong enough to survive anything but fears Claude’s stubborn pride is stronger. She’ll do anything to convince him that win or lose, he is her heart’s desire.

Delicate Sensibilities? 

This book contains sexy scenes and mild acts of violence.

Other Books by Dawn Baca

Her Guarded Heart

Book 1 in the Letting Love Series


Author Interview:

This whole adventure started as a single story that morphed into a series about a young woman with four sisters, a controlling mother, and all the family drama one could imagine.

Each of the five sisters will have their own novel and their own love story, with novella length, spin-off stories of key people in the series. The first book in the Letting Love In series, Her Guarded Heart, tells the story of Addison’s experience in Russia where, while studying abroad, she falls in love.

The second book, Her Heart’s Desire is a spin-off novella and tells part one of the story of Sophie, the French roommate Addison had in book one. Right now, I’m writing the second part of Sophie’s story, another novella.

The series itself will follow Addison as she struggles to find balance in her life, and wade through the muck of a dysfunctional family, meeting new people, and having adventures. It’s full of characters and situations that many readers will find (wholly, absolutely, entertainingly) relatable. Partly completely fictional and partly a compilation of my friends and families various experiences.

Addison – Mandy Moore
Mandy’s got that down-to-earth girl next door feel to her while being beautiful without it being all you notice about her.

Sergei – Eric Bana
Eric sports those exotic good looks and easy-going demeanor which reminds me of how easy it is to fall in love with a smile.

Sophie – Natalie Portman
Natalie is full of fun and laughter and innocence all rolled into a spitfire personality that gets things done

Claude – Scott Eastwood
Scott’s rugged good looks give you the impression that he would easily get down in the trenches and get his hands dirty which is perfect for a man on a horse farm.

I have met dozens of writers over the last few years, and their constant support has helped push me forward even when I didn’t think I had what it took. I would never have even started this journey without the encouragement and initial help from my darling friend Deb Julienne. Not only did I learn so much from her, but we also learned a lot of new things together. Another author, Casey Hagen, has become one of my greatest friends. Her critiques are always spot on and I treasure our friendship.

My home library contains an eclectic array of: JK Rowling (Harry Potter Series), Elizabeth Peters (Amelia Peabody Series), Mary Higgins Clark, Nora Roberts (The key Series, the Irish Sisters Trilogy), Julia Garwood, Kay Hooper (Bishop Series), and Iris Johansen (The Eve Duncan Series) at the moment. Additionally, about two dozen stand-alone romance novels I picked up at the last RWA Conference. Last year I donated a couple hundred Harlequins that I’d had since high school. Since I read diverse genre’s, my tastes are constantly changing, and so are the books on my shelves.

I would have to pick the Nora Roberts Born In Trilogy. My father was a huge fan and sent me the books. He often said that the main characters reminded him of his three daughters. I often thought that I was similar to Maggie the firstborn, torn by duty and the desire for independence, an often fiery temper, and sharp tongue, and stubborn as only the Irish can be and laughing all the way, my father agreed.

Oddly enough, I find myself in one of those currently. Every year the hubs take a ‘guys’ camping trip. Mind you it’s not just all guys, some of them take their wives too but, to me, it’s always been a week-long trip, with 40 to 60-year-old men behaving like 12-year olds playing at a college frat party drunk fest, ‘guys’ trip. I usually pass on that experience. This time around, one of our dear friends is bringing his wife and she really wants me to go as well… Again, a bunch of mostly guys sitting around getting rip-roaring drunk for a week out in the desert in early February is not my idea of fun. But it seems I have been outvoted and volun-told that I am going along this year and should be getting ready as well. I can think of a half dozen reasons to bow out. Have tried voicing about half of them come to think of it. However, the guilt trip/peer pressure is wearing me down. I have just about accepted that this is going to happen. Still, I resist. So… how to make the best of the situation… If I am honest, I am currently threatening to find a way to induce food poisoning upon my unsuspecting but thoroughly insistent traveling companions so as to not be invited back next year, lol. (I’m joking.)

I would have to go with an appetizer. Specifically, Crepes filled with melted Brie, and a fruity jam sauce, and I’d name it Decadence

I think Facebook gets that dubious honor. I find it’s a great way to easily connect with so many different types of people, and I’ve reconnected with many long lost friends because of it as well. Also, I won’t lie… I love the cat videos. Having five cats of my own, I’m never far from their constant shenanigans.

#CrazyCatLady – being allergic to cats and dogs now, and having allergy-induced asthma, the doctors, and my friends all think I’m certifiable to have so many cats inside. (I can’t help myself)

I’m not a big shopper; in fact, do most of my shopping online now. But when I do buy things that are all about me, it’s usually shoes, wine, and books… in that order.

I’m both. I’ve had 5 dogs, and 8 cats so far. (Currently 5 indoor cats, 1 outdoor cat, 2 dogs) Trying to convince the hubs we need another dog…

My favorite season is Fall. It’s the most comfortable here in Central California. The warmth of Summer starts to taper off but the freezing (for me anything under 65 is freezing) hasn’t started yet.

I love Blue ink I think its prettier on the page. It’s a weird thing, but I don’t like to write in black ink. I like the gel rollerballs the best because they seem the smoothest to glide across the paper and as a lefty; I tend to press down hard.

Short Bio:

An insatiable reader of all genres since her childhood, Dawn is a globetrotter hungry to discover new places and experience unique adventures. She can be found indulging in her husband’s first love of summer camping in the mountains or luxuriating on the open seas while cruising to exotic destinations during the frigid winter months.

When she’s not jet-setting she can be found in Central Valley California with her family and their many rescue animals.

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