
Sláinte mhaith!

Posted on Mar 11, 2019 by Dawn Baca   Comments Off on Sláinte mhaith! | Posted in Animal Antics · Books

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

I have a funny story to tell you about being Irish, well about a conversation I once had with my late father a few years back about being Irish. My dad and I talked on average, 2-3 times a week depending on what was going on etc. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but each conversation was interesting, to say the least. We talked about everything, constantly trying to fill in the gaps caused by having not known each other throughout my childhood.

So out of the blue, he calls me and says, “you’re Irish.”

“Hmm. Dad. I knew that already.”

“How did you know?”

“Hmm. Dad. My mom’s family on both sides is flaming Irish. I’ve kinda always known.”

“Oh well, I’m Irish too!”

“Hmm. Dad, how are you just learning this in your mid-fifties?”

“No one told me. They figured I already knew.”

“All right then.”

And just like that, I learned that I had Irish heritage on my father’s side too. These were very typical conversations with my dad about little things that I never knew, and in this case, something he didn’t know. I miss our talks and hearing his voice, but remembering the ones we had, makes the loss a little less painful.

Those that know me, know that I enjoy the Holidays for completely non-religious reasons. St. Patrick’s to me is a great way to get the friends of the Irish to congregate, drink green beer or other green concoctions, and eat Corned Beef and Cabbage. I’m always open for a reason to gather my friends together over a good meal.

Animal Antics:

I thought I’d share some pictures of our other little girl, our Tortie Patches. She’s our oldest kitty in the zoo. She’s not a fan of people or the other animals in the house other than Peabody. She certainly has what is commonly known as a tortietude. For some reason from the very beginning Patches and Peabody bonded and are thick as thieves. Maybe it’s a girl thing.

We hadn’t been planning on getting a cat, it just happened. We had our two dogs at the time, but no indoor cats. But a friend posted that she knew someone looking for forever homes for a new litter her cat had. The hubs asked if there was a calico.

And just like that that, we had a new addition to our growing zoo. She is just a pint-sized ball of fur, weighing in at about 8 pounds.


I hope you are all are planning to add a little green to your day. Éirinn go Brách!

On a Book Related note, the first two e-books in my Letting Love In Series will now be exclusive to Amazon and available in Kindle Unlimited starting this month. I am looking forward to giving this program a whirl. I hope to find even more great readers to share my stories with.

My suggested great reads for this month are:

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